Thank you for being part of THE MERIDA EX 2019!

We have just returned…

We have just returned from beautiful Minehead and wanted to grab the opportunity once more to thank everybody for being part of THE MERIDA EX 2019. THE EX team had a fantastic time, and we can only hope that it was the same for you!

In case you missed the results at the event, here the link:

We have uploaded a few of the event images to the little gallery below and are working on a dedicated image web page which will show all the pictures. There you will be able to check out and to purchase any images if you are interested. We will update this story with the link as soon as possible. 

Paul Box our event photographer has put up a large image gallery on a dedicated Google drive:…/1sUbORn1FUVuiIttqBEDSWe2VMp5i-HS…

Check out the large selection of images and if you want to buy one or two, then drop him an email at:

Prices are:
£30 plus vat for 1 image, (of the same rider)
£50 plus vat for 2 images, (of the same rider)
£60 plus vat for 3 images, (of the same rider)
£80 plus vat for 4 images, (of the same rider)
£90 plus vat for 5 images, (of the same rider)

You will need to let him know the file names and will be able to do a bit more photoshop magic on them before he sends them over.

Now time for a little rest and then to start the planning process for 2020.

We would assume at this point, that we are going to stick to the same weekend for the event (provisionally 11-13th September 2020). The online entry will most likely go live on the 1st March 2020 (everybody who has put their name on the pre-registration list).

Enjoy some well-earned rest.